February 2017 Articles

Many of the sites we build are for sailing organizations, which happily tend to have lots of beautiful photography available that we can use throughout the site. Photos can go on page banners, slideshows, and within the content, but there is often so much really gorgeous photography, that we can also build photo gallery pages.

May 2013 Articles

We’ve been working on some great projects during the past year, but I want to spend some time focusing on three that have us deeply involved in yachting organizations.

April 2012 Articles

I was chatting with someone recently who was telling me a story about the grief she had trying to separate herself from the person who hosted her website. I say person, not company, because apparently, the site was hosted on the server of her tech consultant, who had built her website when she first started her business.

October 2011 Articles

You just launched your new website! You’ve been working with your developer for weeks, and it’s just what you envisioned. And now it’s done. Or is it?

If your goal is not only to get visitors to find your website, but also to have them return again and again, just having a jazzy new website may not be enough. What will bring them back after that first time? The answer is fresh content. And I mean quality fresh content.

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