Feeding your website

Many of the sites we build are for sailing organizations, which happily tend to have lots of beautiful photography available that we can use throughout the site. Photos can go on page banners, slideshows, and within the content, but there is often so much really gorgeous photography, that we can also build photo gallery pages.

A few examples:

College Sailing Image Gallery

Club 420 Image Gallery


The above pages use Flickr as a feed source, so that as photos are added to a Flickr account, they will automatically show up on the website. Once the gallery is set up, it only requires that you feed your Flickr account.

Our favorite tool for building the galleries is NanoGallery, which not only can use images from Flickr, but also Google Photos or self-hosted photos.

Keeping in mind that professional photographers often have their own galleries set up, so having a website gallery fed from Flickr or Google Photos, is not always possible, or the best option. So, just as often, we can link to the Pro galleries, either in addition, or instead of the feed.

Another option is to incorporate photos through a social media feed though either Flickr, Instagram, or Facebook. We’ll discuss these in our next post, along with the pros and cons of the social media feed method.